
Strongman is an exceedingly rapidly growing sport with multiple weight categories, and despite its name, it welcomes participants of all genders.

The key lifts in Strongman include the Log press, Deadlift, Carries, Yoke, and Atlas Stones. Nevertheless, there exist numerous variations for each lift, and each event can be approached in a variety of ways, such as lifting the maximum weight or performing maximum repetitions.

This diversity in options appeals to certain individuals more than powerlifting. To each their own!


Powerlifting is an enjoyable and strategic sport that demands a high level of discipline. The three primary lifts in powerlifting include the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. These lifts are performed for maximum weight in competitions, and competitors are granted three attempts for each lift.

On the Isle of Man, multiple competitions are held each year, each tailored to cater to a diverse audience, including novice, masters, and open categories.